Saturday, 18 August 2012

A Positively Grande Tour

The life of Riley @The Park Hotel Kenmare
Last wednesday there was an  enormous storm brewing. It was my day off plus it coincided with my husbands and we had planned to take our Swiss guests, Sylvia and Jurg, on a day trip. 
Ireland, in deluge, was not what we wanted to indulge in, however there were definitely breaks of blue nestled in those big fat puffy clouds.
 Looking on the bright side  "I know" I said "lets go South to Kenmare,  it must be sunny over those mountains".
Our first stop was to my beautiful, secret hideaway - Cahernane House Hotel on the Muckross road.
Morning coffee was courteously served in the soft splendor of the stately drawing room, thus giving the storm a little lee way to abate.
Relaxed and positive we left for Molls Gap, Ladies view and the beautiful national heritage of Killarney Park - all gazed at through high speed window wipers. "Look the stream has burst its banks"mossy undergrowth and rocks poked through white water, the trees dripped with shiny prisms of light, it looked magical "The faeries must be out in full force today".
"Today is the yearly Horse Fair coinciding with the Kenmare weekly farmers market - a seven year wonder, it simply can't be raining there, that would be too cruel". my chatter continued, a barrage of fun and equally as consistant as the rain.
Can't it! We slowed down way before kenmare into a bottle neck of traffic and [I] kept smiling "think positive " I chirped, determined my day was going to be perfect.
Half an hour later we crept past the bedraggled stall holders at such a drowsy speed we could have bartered for trinkets from the car. My heart bled for the traders, although like the cat with the cream I felt snug and I waved like a queen at bedraggled colleagues, happy of course that the weather mattered not, at least not to me; I had no goods to keep dry.
"Ok then we are going to the Kenmare Park Hotel to lounge in luxory."
  I also wanted to say hello to Francis Brennan, my on screen mentor from the At Your Service TV show on which we had featured in last January.

Afternoon Sushi

And that is what we did, we holed up on comfy couches in the bay window in front of a moving sea of trees and a wild patch of sea,  and we listened to the wind howling and whistling on the other side of the Victorian windows. Francis, the good man that he is, was thrilled to see us and we felt warm, welcome and happy. Our friends loved the decor, the beautiful food presentation, the tastes and the great service from the staff, who were - well - all "At Our Service"; and very nice it was too.
Our next port of call was the closest grand house to the Phoenix home stead. Ballyseedy Castle is a treasure hidden away near Tralee on the Killarney road.There we relaxed and ate creamy tortelinni in yet another luxurious drawing room with the friendly dogs at our feet.
Lady Sylvia
 There was a rainbow too as we arrived at Ballyseedy which gently framed the noble trees and a sweet donkey and foal.
 We were not  looking for a pot of gold, but hey - our day was just about as golden as it gets.

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Courgette & Chocolate Cake

Even though rain stopped play for a while, the courgettes plants have finally beaten the swamp and have, like they do every august, become abundant.
Spices are everything when it comes to ringing the changes around yet another tasty courgette dish.
Today at The Phoenix, I served them nestled amongst the oven roast veg simply sprinkled with salt, pepper, olive oil and a dash of balsamic, in a very fruity curry seasoned with darkly roasted cumin, cloves & mustard seeds. But what about puddings! My friend Cat licked her lips and mentioned a chocolate courgette cake she and her bother used to make "back home in Chigago".
All the C's Cats Chocolate Courgette Cake from Chigago.

After the Rain
And here it is an improvised version, a delightful moist flan and gluten free to boot.
2 mugs young courgette, coarsly grated
2 mug apples, grated
6-9 plums, chopped
1 mug quinoa flour
1 mug desicated coconut
1/2 mug organic sugar
200 grams dark chocolate in flaky chunks,
1 mug cream
2 eggs
3 tbls olive oil
a dash of lemon
1 teaspoon baking powder
beat the eggs and cream together and add to all the other ingredients, pour into a well oiled medium flan dish and bake until the mixture turns golden brown and sets.
Cool and serve with dark chocolate sauce.

Friday, 3 August 2012

Feldenkrais you make me as light as a Feather

 Cuban heat is always so relaxing
People called me relaxed. They think I never lose my temper, get stressed out or feel murderous towards my loved ones.
With convoluted thought patterns, I believe them, they perceive therefore I am.
 However there is always another side; I have made a secret discovery about myself with help of my sister in law Verena Gersbach who is a Feldenkrais practitioner.
flying was the most relaxing thing kyle could  do
Our session began with me standing - comfortably in front of her, or so I thought! "Now how do you stand? where is your weight ? how do you breathe and where?" So I lay on my back & my side for further questions,   "how do you sleep? how does your back feel in that position? Move this arm, make a right angle with your legs, how is that? and always the same droll enquiry "why do you make it so hard for yourself."

She moved my spine and turned my head, continuously asking - how does that feel?
Well it actually felt like awakening a part of my brain that had forgotten the "Yes you can relax " command.
I realise that in day to day tasks - like now - as I sit tap - tap - tapping at these keys I am using and sustaining enough strength to chop a basket of kindling. It is apart from the fatigue, so very ageing.
As a young child I listened daily to a story broadcast on the old BBC home service. It began with "Are you sitting comfortably? Then I will begin"
I always was: legs thrown on a chair - laying on my back on the floor - the dog as a pillow, eyes wide open and gazing at nothing. Do you remember?  The childhood day time revere - abandoned, unplanned, unscheduled and non discussed; pure relaxation, experienced until boredom kicked in, and then, we really had to scour our brains for "Something to do!" Now most of us experience the exact opposite.
 Verena popped into the kitchen to see how I was after the session. "So tired, as if I had received a pummelling sport massage" I said as I put a cup back on a shelf, "Are you still carrying the weight of that cup? ask your body? can you release it now?" "Am I?" My mind fluttered - that tray, that heavy pan,  school satchels , push chairs, baskets, buckets, boxes, and countless bags of this that and the other. "Yes I am; I carry all the compound weights of the day the week, the month and the years, holding myself ready for it all with a tight lipped and professional smile .
Verena has gone back to Zurich now but she, in her ethereal form , which is very similar to her real physical body:  a supple trained dancer of slight proportions, is a voice in my head, reminding me to: simply find the easier way to use my body, to exert the energy I need for the moment and then to let go.
Catch yourself now in the pose in which you may be reading this - legs tense ready to sprint - curvacous hips and pelvis locked to the world - shoulders and back loaded up for a polar expedition - jaw tight - a slight frown and breath almost non existant? In other words "Are you sitting comfortably?
sometimes things can get too relaxed 
Verena   Gersbach will be facilitating a week long residential and non residential Feldenkrais  workshop @ The Phoenix in early April 2013.
Details will be posted here.